Sunday, August 30, 2009

My CRAZY Summer!

I just realized I haven't posted anything since the end of May. It has been an interesting summer. For the most part I just worked but I was only getting part time hours. We were lucky if we had 10 kids each day.

Here's some of the fun things I was able to do:
  • I started going to the Logan Stampede semi-pro football games with a friend but was only able to go to the last like 4 games. I really enjoyed it and kind of miss it now that the season is over. Hopefully next season I can go to more games.
  • My friend was going to set me up with one of the football players who saw my picture and thought I was cute. I was able to meet him at an after party but nothing else happened with that (at least not yet).
  • I went to Bear Lake for vacation in July with the family. It was a nice relaxing week.
  • Two of my friends got married (one in June and one in July) so I had a couple weddings to attend.
  • I was able to attend the Draper and Oquriah Mountain Temple Open Houses and Dedications.
  • I went to the temple the beginning of August and did my Endowments.
  • I was able to go to Scentsy Convention at the Salt Palace in SLC and had a blast. I met a lot of cool Scentsy sisters. I came home with so much free stuff it was crazy. I'm hoping it helped and I can get things going
  • I was able to visit some friends in West Jordan while I was in the area for Convention.
  • I quit my job and don't know what I'm going to do with myself now. My friend and I are trying to brain storm ideas to make money since we're both in need of a job.

This is me with my Director at Scentsy Convention.