Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas and Time with the Family

This week has been amazing. On Monday we had FHE but not very many people showed up. We basically watched the Aggies Basketball game and ate food. Makinzie and I were the only girls and we mostly just talked to Sister Hoth (but we did catch some of the game, which was amazing). There were four guys there but they mostly just watched the game. It was a lot of fun though.
Wednesday started my Christmas break. Kevin came home from Mississippi for a few days and it was great to have him home. The whole family was around for Christmas. We went to Hamilton's for dinner and then had a little Christmas program. Stephanie and Jay brought their Rock Band and we had a lot of fun with that. Christmas morning we woke up and did presents and had breakfast and spent the rest of the day napping and playing games. We also had munchies throughout the day (crackers and cheese ball, cookies, chips and dip, and other things) Needless to say we ate most of the day. It was a great Christmas. I got new clothes, The Chronicles of Narnia Books, Wall-e on DVD, and several other things.
Friday I had the day off and I mostly stayed at home where it was safe. It has been snowing for the last few days so it's really starting to pile up.
Saturday I went shopping with my mom and bought a bedroom set. I decided to get a queen sized bed. I went to see Marley and Me with Makinzie and her roommate Melissa. It was really good but be prepared to cry (it's a sad one). We went back to their place for pizza and watched The Dark Knight. We played Monoploy and I basically won but we didn't finish the game. I was in the lead and they got sick of playing but it was a lot of fun. The game could go on forever.I am excited for the coming week. I work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am going to the eye doctor for the third time this month and hoping to try contacts again. I'm moving out on Thursday. It's gonna be a great week and I'm excited for the New Year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Very Interesting Week

It was a really long but exciting week. It started on Wednesday when I went to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked and look into contacts. I left the doctor with contacts in my eyes. I went Western Swing dancing with a friend and had a lot of fun. The next day I put my contacts in and went about the day (but apparently I didn't get them both in). When I went to take them out that night I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get one of them out but it wasn't in my eye. The next morning I went to work for an hour and ended up going back to the eye doctor. I had infected my left eye and got drops and was told to come back in a week. So I'm hoping to be able to try the contacts again but for now I had to throw them away.
Thursday at work, we had our Christmas Party. We got pizza from Firehouse and exchanged presents. After that I went to Enrichment at a friend's house where we made gingerbread houses. It was a lot of fun.
On Friday we were going to go down to Salt Lake City to see the lights on temple square for a missionary activity for the Ward but ended up staying in the Valley since we had a huge snowstorm come through during the day. We ended up snow shoveling some driveways of members in the Ward and going to someone's house for a movie and cookies. After the activity my friend and I decided to watch a movie. We rented The Perfect Holiday and I really enjoyed.
On Saturday I went in to get my nails done. When I left my hair was colored and cut and my eye brows were waxed as well.
I'm really excited for Christmas this week. The whole family is going to be in town so it should be a fun week.

This picture was taken the day before Thanksgiving when we had School Pictures done at the Day Care. I thought it was really cute!!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Excellent Week

This week has been amazing. I spent a lot of the week with my friends. Wednesday my friend Steph and I went for a drive and saw all the christmas lights from Providence to North Logan. We saw a lot of cool houses decked out for Christmas. Thursday we had a party at Steph's for her roommate Annie. It was a lot of fun even though there wasn't too many people there. We played a game called Smurf and Truth or Dare. When we get together we tend to be really crazy but of course that's what you get when get a bunch of single girls together. LOL I was even able to get my Christmas shopping done.
I have several things going on in the next little while. I am going to the eye doctor on Wednesday and hoping to get contacts. I have gone almost 3 weeks with broken glasses (that's what happens when you work with children).
I'm also moving out of my paren'ts house at the end of the month. FINALLY!!!!!!! I've only be thinking about it for 5 months or more. I will be moving in with a friend from church. I am so excited.
I am so excited for Christmas. The whole family is going to be in town. It has been a long time since we had everybody together for Christmas.
Yes I know I'm weird but I love life.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Week

This week was a good one. On Tuesday Makinzie came over and we just chilled. On Wednesday I went to Becky's for a jewelry party which was a lot of fun. I went to the Institute Choir Concert on Friday with Makinzie and Annie. I really enjoyed it. Later on I chilled at Steph's for a little bit. On Saturday I helped clean the church, played football with some friends, and babysat for a friend. On Sunday I went to church, stayed after for choir practice, went to a baptism, and went to bishop's for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional, food, and mingling with other members of the ward. In general it was a good week. I just love my friends. We have too much fun together.
After 4 years of living with my parent's, (since graduating from college) I am finally moving out at the end of the month. I am so excited.