Sunday, February 22, 2009

An Awesome Week!!!!!

This week was amazing. I only worked a couple hours on Monday due to President's Day and not a lot of kids. I went to FHE and had a BLAST. Tuesday I spent the evening with my family. Wednesday I went to a friend's birthday party where we had pizza and cake. Thursday I went to class (I'll be so glad when it's over). Friday I got off work early and got my nails done (they're green for St. Patrick's Day).
To top off my week, I was able to go down to Draper with some friends on Saturday. Our Stake was able to attend the Draper Temple Open House. The Stake provided a lucheon before we headed down. We had an enjoyable drive down in my friend's car. When we got there we had to wait until it was our turn to watch a short movie that told us a little about the temple and the history of Draper. After the movie, we got on a bus that took us up to the temple. I was able to walk through the temple and see how amazing it is. The only time I have been in the temple was to do baptisms for the dead so to be able to go through the whole thing was amazing. It was so peaceful the whole way thorugh. On the way back we stopped for dinner. It was an incredible experience and I was so glad that I was able to go.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day

This week was a lot of fun. I had a Lia Sophia party on Wednesday which was a lot of fun. Thursday I had class again. Friday I spent the evening with Makinzie, Steph, and Melissa. We went to Chili's for dinner, went shopping, and watched a movie. Saturday I went shopping and spent the evening with Becky, Megan, and Missy. We had dinner and watched a movie. It was a very fun evening. I really enjoy having girl's night out since we don't see each other very much anymore.
Other than that not much is going on. But life is good and I am having tons of fun.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Random Post

I realized it's been a while since I have updated my blog so here is some of the random things I have been up to during the last few weeks.

1. I've gone Western Swing Dancing a coule times with my friend Steph on Wednesday nights. It's a lot of fun but it makes for a late night.

2. I've beening taking a couple classes for work. I took one during the month of January and now I am taking one during Feburary. It's on Thursday nights and I seem to miss everything else that's going on. Oh well.

3. I've seen a couple movies during the last couple weekends. I saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop last Friday with my roommate and went this Friday to see He's Just Not That in To You. They were both really good (at least I thought they were).

4. I have been reading the Chronicles of Narnia. I'm on Book 3 and I'm really enjoying them.

5. I have been hanging out with my friends and family a lot.

Other than that I have been working and trying to keep myself busy.