Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Long Couple of Weeks

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. Last Sunday I went to the Draper Temple Dedication. I had a really good experience. I've been thinking lately if I am really ready to go through the temple or if I should wait longer but the dedication was amazing and the temple was so beautiful.
My Stake had a Relief Society Birthday dinner and program on the 18th.
My schedule changed at work again. Now I have to be there at 7:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursday are still 7:30. I'm not a big morning person but I have been waking up at 5:30 to get ready for work. It's crazy, I know, but I love it.
My friend and I went to see Race to Witch Mountain last Saturday. I thought it was good but really intense. We also went to Lunch and were able to talk about life. We don't spend that much time together anymore so it's nice to have a chance once in a while to see each other.
I absolutely love my friends. I hate the fact that they all have boyfriends now so it's harder to do things with each other, but they still call (or text) me to see what's going on.
I am ready for Spring but of course it has still been snowing in Utah. I am so ready to go outside and have nice warm weather. Hopefully I won't have to wait to much longer. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ready for Spring

I am so ready for Spring. I hope it doesn't snow anymore. We had a huge snowstorm on Monday and got like 20 inches. It was really crazy.
Monday I went to FHE and had fun playing games.
Wednesday I went spent time with the family.
Friday my roommate and I had game night and had a lot of people over (there was about 20 or more people). It was so much fun.
Saturday I spent most of the day running errands and relaxing. I watched The Little Rascals (SO FUNNY!). It's one of my favorites. My roommate had friends over and we talked until 11.
My roommates and I tend to stay up late and talk. It is so much fun. We have a blast together. This week has been amazing. I'm hoping we have weekends like this all the time.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

25! :)

I can't believe I'm 25 now. My birthday was on Tuesday. I had a wonderful day at work. My boss got me a cake and bought us all Lunch. Later on we celebrated with friends and had brownies and ice cream. We also played games. It was an amazing day.
Thursday I had the stomach flu and was able to stay home all day. It wasn't any fun having to stay in bed all day but I was grateful that it only lasted that day.
Saturday night I went to a big bash at our Bishop's house. It was a lot of fun. We had pizza and played games. We even rocked out on Rock Band.
It was a very enjoyable week.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Loving Life

This has been an enjoyable week. Thursday I went to the last class I had to take for work to get my hours for the year. I probably will end up taking another class in a month or two but I took March off. Friday I spoiled myself rotten and went and bought me an iPod Touch. I absolutely love it. I also went to Old Movie Night at a friends house for the evening.

Saturday I spent most of the day at my parent's and helped my mom prepare dinner for Sunday. We were celebrating my birthday with my family and I got to pick the menu and my mom wanted me to help get it ready (but I mostly did it all, at least for the most part). Saturday evening we had Stake Conference.

Sunday we had Stake Conference again and got a new Stake Presidency. I spent the afternoon with my family. We celebrated my birthday and played games. My sister and brother-in-law came up from Ogden and my brother and sister-in-law and nephew were able to be there before they headed south to spend the month with her family.

I am really excited for the coming week and all the fun activities that are planned. I will be "25" on Tuesday. Yes I am a "Quarter of a century".

Random picture of me with my contacts and my cute hair cut. Everybody keeps asking me if I cut it again because I do it differenly every time they see me (but I haven't cut it sense December).